Local information
Life's important essentials
The Loch Torridon Community Centre is open six days a week during the summer season and provides both local and tourist information.
Below are the contact details for various services in the area, but if you can not find what you are looking for please do let us know.
Police: In an emergency dial 999
Gairloch Police Station: 01445 712017
Lochcarron Police Station: 01520 722222
Torridon Mountain Rescue: In an Emergency: Dial 999, ask for Police, Mountain Rescue - http://www.torridonmrt.org.uk/
Medical Centres:
NHS 24Hr: 08454 24 24 24
Torridon: 01445 791223 (Dr Caroline Brown)
Lochcarron (Ferguson Medical Centre): 01520 722215
Gairloch (The Health Centre): 01445 712229
Petrol Stations:
Kinlochewe: 01445760227, www.kinlocheweservices.co.uk
Lochcarron: 01520 722209, www.lochcarronfoodcentre.com
Gairloch Filling Station (24hrs self service): 01445 712415
Electric car charging:
Loch Torridon Community Centre: Zapmap.com
Torridon Inn: 01445 791242, chargemap.com/the-torridon.html

Local information
Life's little essentials
Local Taxi
Call Donald on 07519002787 (based in Torridon)
Local Grocery stores
Torridon Stores & Cafe: 01445 791400 - www.torridonstoresandcafe.co.uk
Fishmongers van - Tuesday 10.30am at Torridon Stores car park
Kinlochewe Stores & petrol station: 01445760227
Shieldaig: 01445760227
Lochcarron: 01520 722209, www.lochcarronfoodcentre.com
Gairloch: Kenneth Morrison Butchers: 01445 712485 - Butcher's van visits Torridon on Tuesday, approx. 10.30
Farm and Garden Stores: 01445 712083
McColls: 01445 712242
Inveralligin 'Harvest Your Own' Fruit & Vegetables:​ 01445 791365 - www.torridon-harvest.co.uk
Postal Services
Loch Torridon Community Centre - Every Tuesday 11am - 1pm
Kinlochewe Post Office: 01445 760252 - Mon-Sat, 9am-11am
Lochcarron Food Centre: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm Wed 9am-1pm Sat 9am 12:30pm
Gairloch, Strath: Mon-Sat: 7am - 10pm, Sun: 8am-10pm
Fraser & Fraser of Dingwall: 01349 863117